On April 8, 2016, the second training course of zhuobai "excellent manager" series was held in room 310, building A, building 900, yishan road.This training topic is "efficient management communication".
On the afternoon of March 18, 2016, our company held the first quarter badminton activity at noble fitness center.
In order to celebrate international "March 8" women's day, the company carefully prepared for all female employees holiday gifts and festive meals.
Time flies like an arrow, in the busy we unconsciously sent away a year.We say goodbye to 2015, a year of high achievement, and welcome a promising 2016.
On November 20, 2015, zhuobaizhuoyue manager series training activity was officially launched in room 308, building A of caohejing talent market.
Address:Room 2605, Jiangnan Shipbuilding Mansion, No. 600, Luban Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai